Which programming language should I learn first if I could start over?

Basheer Haadi


This article will help newbies and professionals in the tech ecosystem journey to make their choice in programming careers.

Which programming language should I learn first if I could start over?

Thousands of distinct programming languages have been developed, and more are being developed on a yearly basis. Many programming languages are written in an imperative form (a series of operations to be performed), but others are written in the declarative form (the desired result is specified, not how to achieve it).

Typically, programming languages provide abstractions for designing and manipulating data structures as well as regulating the flow of execution. The abstraction principle expresses the practical requirement that a programming language enables suitable abstractions. This notion is frequently expressed as advice to the programmer to utilize such abstractions correctly.

I was first introduced to programming during my year one at college when I was introduced to BASIC Programming language (Beginner All-Purpose symbolic Instruction Code), I learned the basic execution of instructions and commands, how computers operate, and got our program executed. It was amazing because I got familiar with how to write algorithms despite the fact that I don't know that the journey was just started.

I developed an interest in studying programming-related courses and mastered Pascal Programming Language, Fortran Programming, C Programming, and C++ Programming in college before graduating. When I’m preoccupied with Data Structure in C++ in year two, one of my buddies begins learning web programming. He created his first website project and presented it to our team; everyone was impressed; I immediately let C++ Programming go since GUI development was taking too long.

I started by studying HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), soon moved on to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and completed my first webpage. I continued my training with a free mentoring session where I was exposed to backend development using Python Django, but I struggled to keep up. I discovered a friend’s contact to help me through the difficulties I’m experiencing; he introduced me to PHP programming, which I rapidly adapted to because it seemed like I was writing a C programming language.

I quit Python entirely and concentrated all of my efforts on PHP programming, where I built myself on Javascript and the usage of the Jquery Library in my program instructions (code), and queried databases with SQL (Structured Query Language) until I created my first dynamic website (blog system).

Furthermore, I investigated the utility of other popular languages such as Java, C#, Vb.NET, Swift, Go, Ruby, and Rust Programming, but I never found my interest in all of them.

All I knew from my research was that “every day is a new day, and every programming language undergoes a new change.” — Basheer Haadi

If I were to start again as a software developer, I would select one language based on rapid development and fresh innovation. Javascript is unquestionably the greatest language to learn.

“if you are any stack developer Javascript got you everything” — Basheer Haadi

Start studying Javascript today; you will never regret it. Please thank me afterward.



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